Trying to alleviate the daily grind and intensity of working to cram as much into my pea brain as possible, I worked from one of those elusive thousands of tutorials I’ve seen along the way, and created a project, from scratch, using Expressions in After Effects as well as Trapcode Particular. My “DAY 036 – Artaud Poem Excerpt” is the result.
And, as I posted on Vimeo, today’s effort is a personal piece: It’s a comment on a largely unrequited love with a woman we’ll call Venus. Her name makes up the mini-universe (“my love for venus” repeats randomly throughout it), and the poem is a poem I spoke to her an as many ways as I could possibly think to speak it. But, she was too obsessed with someone else. So, despite my best efforts, she couldn’t see the universe of love I created for her and for us and she never heard the poem, as her focus remained solely on her obsession instead. Such is life, I suppose.
Tutorial and project files to follow.